Jul 10
Hello Everyone,
It’s been quite some time since I sent anything fiber-related out to the group, but things are moving again, and I’m so excited that we’ve been able to open up the farm for our monthly Fiber Circle get-togethers.
A few fiber friends and I have committed to taking time at least once a month to congregate at the farm, talk about, work on, and encourage our fiber endeavors. We share knowledge, resources, talents, food, drinks, and equipment to further the love and the better understanding of fiber arts in all its many, many forms. Our group boasts spinners (both wheel and spindle), weavers, knitters and crochet wizards, embroiderers, up-cyclers, felters, basketweavers extraordinaire, and experts and dabblers in just about any fiber art you can imagine.
We plan to meet on the second Sunday of each month at the farm in Adolphus, KY, at 683 Blankenship Rd, starting at 1:00 pm and leaving when the need or the spirit moves us. Yes, that means tomorrow; sorry for the late notice.
The new wool room is up and running, and we’ve got plenty of room inside, in case of rain, outside on porches, under trees, or anywhere that looks inviting.
The sheep are within walking distance, and the Wool Room is filled with all things “fiber”; from just sheared raw fleeces to yarn and every type of knitting needle, crochet hook, and loom.
The Wool Room is also fitted with all sorts of tools, and several of our fiber friends have donated under-used fiber equipment for borrowing. At this time, we have an extra spinning wheel and a small rigid heddle loom available for use. You’ll find everything you need to take a fleece from the sheep to the shawl. We are also taking donations for other fiber-related tools, such as sewing machines, to make as many tools available as possible to help budding fiber lovers explore, discover, and hone their craft.
We’ll have coffee and spring water on tap, and please feel free to bring any goodies you might like to share, both fiber-related and of the culinary sort.